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King Nephertiti Ltd

King Nephertiti Ltd

Contact: 090223*** Show

Date Registered:Jun 04, 2021


About Me

Africa’s top Real Estate consulting Firm diligently bridging the gap between buyers and sellers partnering with top developers providing affordable residential and commercial real estate in lagos Nigeria and across the globe.

King Nephertiti Ltd is the top Real Estate consulting firm Established on the 28th of August 2020 in Lagos Nigeria…

We’ve increased over 1000 families Real Estate portfolio since 2019 got verified/Certified in 2020, putting a smile on their faces and still counting.

make money with us as a certified real Estate consultant/ Agent , selling any of our residential and commercial properties…

Real Estate cash flow is KING have you tried land banking?

:090 223 88813

Ring: 07067984526 get in touch to know more about our listings, feel free to say hello, and leave a comment through any of our social links below for it makes it easier to serve you Better & Faster.

WhatsApp: 090 223 88813

Call: 0706 798 4526




Listing Statistics

Rent Count
Sale Count
Shortlet Count

Property for Sale by King Nephertiti Ltd