Omashi is a village in Ayamelum Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. It is located about 55 kilometers from the state capital, Awka. The village is home to a sacred cave known as the Shrine of Omashi-Iyi. The cave is said to be home to an oracle called Akpo, who is consulted by people from all over the region for advice and guidance.

Neighborhood tags

located in Omashi, Ayamelum , Anambra

nearest bus stations

  • Omasu Agu Afor Market
  • /
  • Universal Secondary School Omasi-Agu

Around the block

Omashi is a village in Ayamelum Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. It is located about 55 kilometers from the state capital, Awka. The village is home to a sacred cave known as the Shrine of Omashi-Iyi. The cave is said to be home to an oracle called Akpo, who is consulted by people from all over the region for advice and guidance.


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