Yakoyo is a developing area with great prospects. This area connects Ojodu Berger to Alagbole in Ogun State. The houses in Yakoyo are old and very stylish. Yakoyo houses a number of schools and religious worship centres. Churches in this area include; The Lord’s Chosen, TREM, RCCG. There are small mosques situated in different parts of the area. Schools in Yakoyo include; Peace Hill British Academy, The Noble School, Rita College, United Bible Academy and Dalpark International Academy.

Neighborhood tags

located in Ojodu Berger

nearest bus stations

  • Ojodu Berger
  • /
  • Ogba
  • /
  • Alausa
  • /
  • Agege Pen Cinema

Around the block

The Neighbours

The people in Yakoyo are working class and many have their small and medium scale businesses situated in the neighbourhood.

the neighbours image
Yakoyo, Ojodu Berger, Lagos
Yakoyo, Ojodu Berger, Lagos

What To Expect

Yakoyo is a developing area that is easily accessible from Ojodu Berger. The major source of transportation here is via bikes and tricycles (Keke Napep). The atmosphere is deserted during the day but can be full of fun activities in the night.

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The Market

The Berger and Alagbole market can be easily accessed. Also, residents of Yakoyo can make easy purchases from a lot of roadside shops located in the area.

the market image
Yakoyo, Ojodu Berger, Lagos
Yakoyo, Ojodu Berger, Lagos

You'll Fall In Love With

The roadside bars and ‘bukas’ which Yakoyo provides for fun and recreation can be scintillating. Yakoyo also has hangout spots like the Rakush Lounge, Biola Mini Plaza and the Food Union Hotel and Suites amongst others.

what you will love image
Yakoyo, Ojodu Berger, Lagos
Yakoyo, Ojodu Berger, Lagos

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