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How To Enhance Your Modern Interior Design

Break all design rules you know

Why do you currently “hate” the design of your home? Well, hate is a strong word, you did like it one time,  that was why you opted to pick the design because you thought it suited you at that point. It did suit you for a while, but now you don’t get the same feeling when you walk into your home, the current interior design isn’t giving you “life” like it once did, and you feel you need to redecorate. You are not the only one going through this, my dad felt the same way walking into the house he personally designed few years prior last year and felt the design wasn’t modern or showing the personality of the individuals who lived there, so he decided to revamp his design. But he wasn’t an interior decorator, so how was he able to revamp the interior design of the home and make it feel modern while not hiring an interior decorator?


Before we get into this decorating business, let’s understand what interior design is. Interior design is an art or science that has to do with the designing or enhancing the interior of a room or building or the way I like to put it, decorating your home in a way that shows your style while still being comfortable and functional. You can further improve the modern interior of your home without hiring an interior decorator, since not everyone can afford to hire one, and revamping the interior of your home can be fun. Let’s help you make it fun, we have provided you with

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You can further improve the modern interior of your home without hiring an interior decorator, since not everyone can afford to hire one, and revamping the interior of your home can be fun. Let’s help you make it fun, to do this, we have provided you with

The following tips and tricks to help you Enhance Your Modern Interior Design.


1. Break almost all other rules

There is just this silent interior design rule that states, “all dining room furniture should match”, and I am yet to see a home that has broken this rule. The best part about rules is that they are meant to broken (you didn’t hear it from me). It is more important that the decor in your modern home reflects your living style and your personality than any conventional rule. But please, find a balance and don’t overuse this levity as the interior design police (I just invented it), can get you arrested if the decor is too busy and distracting.

2. Never push furniture against the walls

If walls could talk, they will probably scream when a furniture is pushed against them. This act is just bad, as it could leave stains and marks on the walls.  You should know that if you pull your seating arrangement in (even just a few inches) you instantly warm up the space and create flow.


3. Add a pop of “Red”

Ok, it doesn’t have to be red. I just have a thing for red as it happens to be my favourite colour, but you should add a pop of colour as it gives “life” to the room. If you are afraid to paint your walls with a bright colour, use the accessories in the room to add colour. Lovely lamps, vases, paintings, pillows and rugs are a wonderful way to add a pop of colour.  Remember to start small, and you’ll see that colour has the power to affect your mood and make your space a happy and energetic one.

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4. Let your furniture breathe

One way my father revamped the interior of our home was letting the furniture in the living room breathe. He reduced the number of chairs and created more space, giving the room an airy warm feel. A harmonious and lively room needs space between the furniture so as to give the room a more relaxed and uncluttered look.

5. Don’t over accessorize

Now coming from the “too many furniture” taboo, please don’t over accessorize the room. When designing it can be easy to get carried away with the accessories you want to put in the room, whether it’s interior design for your bedroom, interior design for kitchen or your living room, remember, less is more. The living room and bedroom design should be relaxed, so choosing minimalist pieces of furniture and accessories will make your space look bigger, cleaner and feel more relaxed.

6. Be bold and original

One thing you should realise when decorating your space is the fact that it is your space. The space you are decorating does not belong to that friend who doesn’t like stripes or bold colours, it belongs to you and you should incorporate things in your design that shows your personality. Don’t hesitate to use different sizes, colour combinations and unexpected elements for touches of drama. As long as the overall mix doesn’t clash and represents your personality, adding unconventional pieces will add charisma to any room.

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7. Bring your experience into your room

When designing the modern interior of your room, fully make it yours by showcasing your personal possessions to further reveal your personality and also show your adventures and achievements. Show the part of your past, present and future you want people to see.

8. Have fun while decorating

The Interior design of your space is not like a marriage where you have to stay committed to one design forever. You can decide to get a divorce when you want to or cheat when you feel like. There are so many ways you can have fun while revamping your modern interior design. You can do something not expected like painting the ceiling of your kitchen, gold, or using a wallpaper for the ceiling while doing the interior design of your bathroom. You can design your home like a designer, your own designer and just have fun while doing it.




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