
PropTech Spotlight: Amo Stxdio

Creating clarity between Interior Designing and Decoration with our PropTech Ppotlight: Amo Stxdio

Interior of a living roomThe interior design industry is usually mistaken for interior decoration, but as we have come to learn, they are very different. While one focuses on the aesthetics of a space, the other focuses on the precise scales and measurements of everything within said space. 

With PropTech Spotlight, we want to showcase the activities of companies within the industry and how an average Nigerian can utilise their products and services. 

We had a conversation with Ifedoyin Shotunde about his design company – Amo Stxdio, which doesn’t only focus on spaces but also visual arts and even furniture sculpting.  


Tell us about yourself

My name is Ifedoyin Shotunde. I’m a designer and a visual artist. I have a bachelor’s degree in architecture and a master’s degree in environmental design. I started interior design in 2018. I put together an office space for a small company. It was quite challenging, being that it was my first major project. But it led to more design contracts, which became quite challenging due to the artisans I got involved with. 

But at the end of each project, when I see the results, I don’t dwell on the stress. It’s just a nice thing to see; it’s like seeing stuff that you imagined come to life physically. 

What’s the meaning behind the name “Amo”?

It’s a Yoruba term for clay. Being a visual artist, one of the major mediums I explore is clay. I just love how versatile clay is. You can use it to make miniature sculptures or massive structures. I don’t just focus on interior design; I also explore furniture design, sculpture design, and some others. So it just explains how the studio is basically an exploration of creativity.

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What makes interior design different from interior decoration?

Interior design is more elaborate and technical than interior decoration. Interior design has to do with making spaces as functional as possible through precise scales and measurements of furniture and other things that would fill the space. It dwells heavily on psychology too. 

What is the most difficult thing about building a consumer brand from scratch?

I’ll say the most difficult part is getting a firm client list. Almost any business goes through that. One can simply have friends and family around, but getting those clients to make the big payments then becomes a longer conversation. But once you’ve done a couple of decent projects that people can reference, it gets easier from then on. 

Tell us about your first design project

It was in 2018. My friend and I were quite anxious going into it because, like I mentioned previously, it was our first major project that went beyond just design but actually execution. After putting together the designs and the budget, getting the money for the project, and having a list of the artisans, the actual work was managing these artisans. There were instances where artisans would do literally the opposite of what you’d specifically requested, and that could be quite upsetting.

Because of the kind of work we do, we need things to be precise. For example, we send a reference of a piece of furniture in the U shape, but when we get it back from the artisan, it could be in the V shape. But we were quite lucky with the artisans; I even have one person who I still work with.

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Another thing we struggled with was going over our budget, but that’s something you learn how to manage with experience.

Are there any projects in particular you gravitate towards, and why? 

Residential. Commercial projects can be quite tricky and rigid. This is in instances where everyone wants their space to look like the next person’s. That’s why in Nigeria, you’ll come across structures that look exactly the same, not because that’s the best way but because people don’t usually want to do things out of the norm. 

Unlike residential projects, where people would be open to various styles, forms, and shapes within their household. Not to say there are not some commercial projects that excite me, but residential projects are more intimate. 

Interior of a bedroom
Interior of a bedroom

What is your preferred style of architecture/Design/Decor?

I would say modern-minimalist. Just simple, sweet, and beautiful to the eyes. Warm colours, with hints of flashy colours. 

What is your design process?

We first have a conversation with the client about what they require; clients usually have a brief, which they send; then we work on a mood board, which consists of the colour palette. Once everything about the mood is settled, we get to making the drawings. Some clients don’t like to reveal their budget, but we usually need it to determine the materials we can use within the budget. 

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When designs are completed, we source the materials and get to work with the various artisans. After that, we just keep going and ticking things off our lists, mostly starting with the really difficult and big tasks. 

Interior of an office space
Interior of an office space

What would you say keeps you going?

Just the thought that Amo Stxdio is going to get bigger and better projects than we already have. Just knowing that there’s so much more we can do to bring ideas to life. We’re a growing brand, so excitement and creativity are what keep us going. 

How would you design a 1-bedroom apartment?

After listing out everything that the space would require, I make a scale of preference, which basically shows the things that are priorities. For a 1-bedroom apartment, I’ll prioritise a couch, a coffee table, a TV console, and plants for the living space. Then, for the bedroom, I’ll focus mostly on the bed frame, the mattress, blinds, rugs, and other smaller things. If it requires painting, that’ll be done before the installation of the blinds. 

Another important thing is the budget. I usually advise my clients to be flexible, as things could turn out to be more expensive than stated in the budget. If you want your space to be nice, you shouldn’t be uncomfortable spending more money.


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