Adazi Nnukwu is still an important religious and cultural center for the Nri people. The town is home to a number of important shrines, including the Agbala shrine, which is dedicated to the god Agbala. The Agbala shrine is one of the oldest and most important shrines in Igboland. It is believed that the Agbala shrine was founded by the first Eze Nri, Eri.

Neighborhood tags

located in Adazi Nnukwu, Anaocha, Anambra

nearest bus stations

  • White Castle Hotel
  • /
  • Adezi Ave

Around the block

Adazi Nnukwu is still an important religious and cultural center for the Nri people. The town is home to a number of important shrines, including the Agbala shrine, which is dedicated to the god Agbala. The Agbala shrine is one of the oldest and most important shrines in Igboland. It is believed that the Agbala shrine was founded by the first Eze Nri, Eri.


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