Ani-Nkwa-Anam. It is a village in the Anambra West Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. It is located about 35 kilometers from the state capital, Awka. The village is home to the Ani-Nkwa people, who are a subgroup of the Igbo ethnic group. The Ani-Nkwa people are known for their farming and fishing traditions. They also have a rich culture and history, which is reflected in their art, music, and dance.

Neighborhood tags

located in Ani-Nkwa-Anam, Anambra West, Anambra

nearest bus stations

  • Trinity model school
  • /
  • Federal Medical school

Around the block

Ani-Nkwa-Anam. It is a village in the Anambra West Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. It is located about 35 kilometers from the state capital, Awka. The village is home to the Ani-Nkwa people, who are a subgroup of the Igbo ethnic group. The Ani-Nkwa people are known for their farming and fishing traditions. They also have a rich culture and history, which is reflected in their art, music, and dance.

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