Kwabzak is another popular street in Pankshin. It is home to the Pankshin Local Government Secretariat, the Pankshin Divisional Hospital, and the Pankshin Police Station. This is the administrative center of Pankshin, and it is where you can find government offices, as well as medical and law enforcement services.

Neighborhood tags

located in Kwabzak, Pankshin, Plateau

nearest bus stations

  • Kyam Central Market
  • /
  • Tal Primary Health Care Centre

Around the block

Kwabzak is another popular street in Pankshin. It is home to the Pankshin Local Government Secretariat, the Pankshin Divisional Hospital, and the Pankshin Police Station. This is the administrative center of Pankshin, and it is where you can find government offices, as well as medical and law enforcement services.

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