Nkpor is a relatively small village, but it is a significant cultural and historical center in Anambra State. The village is home to many traditional Igbo institutions, including the ozo title system and the age grade system. Ikenga-Ogidi is also known for its vibrant arts and crafts scene.

Neighborhood tags

located in Nkpor, Idemili North, Anambra

nearest bus stations

  • New motor part market
  • /
  • SS John&Paul Ibe Ave

Around the block

Nkpor is a relatively small village, but it is a significant cultural and historical center in Anambra State. The village is home to many traditional Igbo institutions, including the ozo title system and the age grade system. Ikenga-Ogidi is also known for its vibrant arts and crafts scene.


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