Omu-Aran is a prominent thoroughfare in Ifelodun, Kwara. It serves as a major transportation route connecting different parts of the area. Geri Alimi is known for its commercial activities, with various shops, markets, and businesses lining the street.

Neighborhood tags

located in Omu-Aran, Ifelodun, Kwara

nearest bus stations

  • Landmark University Omu-Aran General Hospital High-Con Hotels & Suites Federal Government Girls College Omu-Aran Omu-Aran Central Mosque

Around the block

Omu-Aran is a prominent thoroughfare in Ifelodun, Kwara. It serves as a major transportation route connecting different parts of the area. Geri Alimi is known for its commercial activities, with various shops, markets, and businesses lining the street.

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