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Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo

Co Work Space In Dugbe, Close To Cocoa House

1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan North West Ibadan Oyo


Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo - 0
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Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo - 1
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Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo - 2
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Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo - 3
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Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo - 4
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Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo - 5
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Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo - 0
Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo - 1
Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo - 2
Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo - 3
Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo - 4
Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo - 5

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Safety Tips

  1. Do not make any inspection fee without seeing the agent and property.
  2. Only pay Rental fee, Sales fee or any upfront payment after you verify the Landlord.
  3. Ensure you meet the Agent in an open location.
  4. The Agent does not represent PropertyPro and PropertyPro is not liable for any monetary transaction between you and the Agent.
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icon Added 14 Jan 2020

Full Description

Co working space for shortlet 1st Floor Leventis Building Lebanon Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria, Office Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo renting for ₦10,000. See property details on or browse all our range of properties in Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo Co-working space for shortlet in Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo Rent Co-working space for shortlet Co-work Space in Dugbe, close to cocoa house in Ibadan north west Ibadan Oyo is a Co-working space. ✓ Real-time photos. Contact now for quick details on Co-work Space in Dugbe, close to cocoa house

1. Air-conditioned workspace in the heart of Ibadan major business district; Dugbe
2. High-speed internet services
3. Stand-by Generator
4. Access to printer, scanner, computer and other office supplies
5. A dedicated receptionist that manages your calls, attends to your clients nicely
6. Access to the well-furnished office for private meetings with your clients
7. Access to 20 – 50-seater capacity hall for your training

1. Zero overhead cost
2. You don’t need to worry about renting an expensive office
3. You don’t need to worry about paying PHCN bills and internet service
4. You don’t need to pay salary to a receptionist
5. You can use our address for your business
6. All you need to do is to face your business and make profit

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Safety Tips

  1. Do not make any inspection fee without seeing the agent and property.
  2. Only pay Rental fee, Sales fee or any upfront payment after you verify the Landlord.
  3. Ensure you meet the Agent in an open location.
  4. The Agent does not represent PropertyPro and PropertyPro is not liable for any monetary transaction between you and the Agent.
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