Kosubosu is a town or locality in the Baruten area of Kwara. It might serve as a center of economic and social activities for the surrounding communities. Kosubosu could have markets, educational institutions, and other essential services.

Neighborhood tags

located in Kosubosu, Baruten, Kwara

nearest bus stations

  • Baruten Emirate Secretariat Nigeria-Benin Border Border Check Point Kwara state Ministry of Justice Citizens Mediation And Conciliation Center Baruten Zonal Office Baruten Loval Government Education Authority Nigeria Security And Civil Defense Corps Local Government Clinic

Around the block

Kosubosu is a town or locality in the Baruten area of Kwara. It might serve as a center of economic and social activities for the surrounding communities. Kosubosu could have markets, educational institutions, and other essential services.

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