10 Ways to Secure your Home from Burglars

One of the annoying things about living in Lagos is the prominence of armed robbery attacks. While insecurity in Northern Nigeria is due to attack by terrorists, that of Southern Nigeria is commonly caused by militants and robbery attacks. The recent crisis caused by militants in Ikorodu backs my point.

Even houses in Lagos Island are subject to cases of burglary despite the availability of ‘tight security’. One of such cases is the recent invasion into the popular comedian’s apartment in Lekki.

But there should be a way out! There might be some security measures which you’re neglecting even with your barb-wire fence.

I have a list of 10 ways to prevent robbery attack whether your house is within Lagos Island or mainland.

ALSO READ: Basket Mouth’s Apartment Invaded by Lagos Robbers


Employ an Intelligent Gateman

During one of my real estate surveys around the Island, I discovered most apartments have uneducated gatemen, mostly Hausas. Some of these Hausa gatemen can just be like robots, doing all you tell them without applying discretion. Therefore, if you really want security you should be willing to make the financial sacrifice of employing a more intelligent gateman.

Hold a household meeting

Make home security a habit, with every member of the household—including kids. Instruct kids, in particular, to cultivate the habit of locking every door and window when leaving, entering, and before bedtime; do not open the door to uninvited or unwelcome visitors.

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Call on the Police

The typical Nigerian policeman would hardly respond to emergency calls. Even so, you should still make a policeman friend that would be a friend in time of need such as robbery attack.

Remove the ‘hidden’ house key

The key under the mat, inside the mailbox, beneath a rock—everybody hides a house key. Problem is, burglars know your hiding places. Instead, give it to a trusted neighbour.

Add keep-off signs

Post security company signs or window stickers near all entryways, whether you have a security system or not. Maybe you have signs or stickers on hand from a previous contract with a security firm, or maybe you can get some from a friend. In addition, post a few “Beware of Dog” signs in visible spots, say at the front of the house or on a gate to the backyard.

Lock up the ladder

Don’t store a ladder outside. A burglar, perhaps posing as a handyman or contractor, could use it to gain access to a second-floor window or balcony.

Light up the outdoors

If you don’t have them already, buy and install outdoor lighting near each point of entry. Also, replace any burned-out lightbulb.

Install timers

When you leave for work or appointments or go on vacation, you can create a “someone’s at home” look using timers on lights and TVs. No surprise, there are lots of gadgets available. Fake TV, for instance, simulates the flickering lights of a television, and from outside, it appears that someone is watching TV.

See also  Basket Mouth's Apartment Invaded by Lagos Robbers

ALSO READ: Basket Mouth’s Apartment Invaded by Lagos Robbers

Secure Air-Conditioning units

Unsecured window air conditioners could provide an easy entry point for a crook. Use an air conditioner bracket, sliding window lock, or corner braces.

Eliminate hiding spots

If your lawn is too tall, bushy, or not well spaced, you’re providing a nice hiding spot for a potential burglar. Hence, trim and prune plantings regularly.

Although it’s impossible to make your house perfectly secure, I hope that these low-tech measures will do 90 percent of the job.



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