
4 Tips to Make Your Real Estate Listings Stand Out from the Competition

More often than not, tenants and buyers start their search for their next property online, but as we know there are numerous listings online. So how do you cut out the noise? Here are 4 tips to make your real estate listings stand out from the competition.  


Use eye-catching real estate photos

Real estate listings are getting more advanced due to new technology such as aerial photography, drone footage, and virtual 3-D renderings. However, that doesn’t underestimate the power of professional photography. Professional photography instantly appeals to the visual perceptions of the buyers, as they are more than likely to linger on online listings to check out every professionally crafted detail.

Highlight your listing’s best features

Another way to make your listing stand out is to really direct attention to the listing’s best features. This not only makes the property more memorable but can also draw attention away from the property’s less desirable features. For example, if your listing has beautiful natural light or a newly renovated kitchen, be sure to highlight these attributes in both the listing description and imagery. These images should also appear earlier in order of the listing photos to reinforce the copy and create a point of difference.

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Know your keywords

To make your listing description and title stand out, it’s crucial that you include keywords that potential buyers and tenants would look for. These might be feature keywords that highlight your listing’s proximity to amenities or descriptive keywords that trigger the audience’s imagination.

Here are some examples of feature keywords:

  • Air conditioning
  • Close to the public transport
  • Walking distance to shops
  • Hardwood floors
  • Stainless steel appliances
  • High ceilings
  • City views

Here are some examples of descriptive keywords:

  • Beautiful
  • Low maintenance
  • Brand new
  • Spacious
  • Stunning
  • Luxurious
  • Newly renovated
  • Impeccable

In order to determine what keywords to use, you need to know your target market and neighbourhood. Who are your potential tenants and buyers and what are they looking for in terms of amenities and features? For example, a young family might be looking for proximity to primary schools which contrasts with what a maturing couple might want.

Portray a Future Lifestyle Instead of Just a New House

One of the biggest mistakes real estate agents make is not personalising the listing by only providing the basic details about the property. While those details are essential, they’re not enough to convince potential buyers that this should be their future home. As real estate agents, you must paint a vivid picture of what their future lifestyle could look like in a new home or neighbourhood. For instance, if the buyer is interested in raising a family, they might want to see how the home can easily grow and adapt to changing family dynamics. List all the possible ways your potential buyer will benefit from purchasing the home for their family. Remember, you want the potential new homeowner to picture themselves growing with the property, not out of it. Be creative and explore different ways your potential clients will be able to see themselves in the home.

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Hopefully, this blog post gave you some tips to make your real estate listings stand out  and cut through the noise and make your listing stand out online. Did we miss anything in the 4 tips to make your real estate listings stand out? Please let us know in the comments below. 

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