The Kitchen and the Other Room; The Mystery of Housing

As opposed to the opinion of many Nigerians, who have taken the critical issues in Nigeria’s first family, as new comedy lines and new cartoon arts, I will like to present an objective view on the issue. And also point out the fact that all Nigerians are involved in this. This is not a joking matter, and of course, not a stage play where Nigerians are the audience. This time, we are all actors, and we all have roles to play. Our audience is the whole world.

As a youth, I highly respect President Buhari as our leader. And I do not deem myself worthy of condemning the President or his wife. Thus, I am neither anti-Buhari nor anti- Aisha. However, a few points are worthy to note.

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Reactions have trailed the President’s claim in Berlin Germany of his wife belonging to the kitchen, the other room, his living room, and his total dominion the has over her. In his words, he said, “I don’t know which party my wife belongs to, but she belongs to my kitchen, and my living room and the other room.”

This statement is a response to the President wife’s (as she prefers to be called) warning in her interview with BBC, where she expressed her dissatisfaction about the people her husband placed in public offices and she warns that she won’t be part of the next election if the trend continues. “Things are not going the way it should when it comes to putting people where they belong. Most of these people that are occupying some agencies, nobody knows them. They don’t know our party manifesto, They don’t know what we campaigned for, they were not part of us completely. They don’t have the mission. They don’t have a vision of our APC. I have my own rights you know, to say how I feel about something. If it continues like this I am not going to be part of any voting again” – she says. This may be an approval to the Senate President, Bukola Saraki’s, claim that there is a government within the government of President Buhari. Some people also believe that the government has been hijacked by a group of people.

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However, the presidential spokesperson, Garba Shehu, said that the president was actually joking when he said that his wife belongs to the kitchen and the other room.

Maybe we should go back to history, both fiction and non-fiction. There might have been a bit of foreshadowing in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. As he uses Okonkwo’s home to depict the Ibo society. As Okonkwo’s home falls apart the Ibo society also falls apart. We do not want our dear country Nigeria to fall apart. No matter our jestings and uncaring attitude. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

At this point, I feel every Nigerian should support the president and his wife. We need to lift their hands. If this country falls apart, it will affect us all. So we need to pray for the President and his wife in whatever language we can speak, and in whatever religion we believe.

Also, history has never recorded conflict between a successful president and his wife beyond their country to the stage of world view. This write up is not a satire, but a call to Nigerians to pay keener attention to the president’s family. This issue on the world view is disheartening not just for the president but for all Nigerians.

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Another world leader who had an open conflicting situation with his wife is Alberto Fujimori. His wife, Susana Higuchi, filed for divorce in 1995 after she accused his family of corruption and he accused her of “unloyalty and blackmail.” The public fight included him locking her out of the presidential palace and telling the press he was looking for a new wife “who is intelligent and has beautiful legs.” In 2006, he got remarried from his jail cell in Chile, where he was being held on corruption charges. This wasn’t on CNN, or outside the walls of Peru. Wikipedia says this about Fujimori . “A controversial figure, Fujimori ended his presidency by fleeing Peru for Japan amid a major scandal involving corruption and human rights violations.

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The summary of this is that no world leader, after a major open conflict with his wife remains with an untarnished image. His decision also affects the people. Because when two elephants fight, the ground suffers. I am more concerned about the implication of this on the Nigerian populace.

Worthy of note, however, is the symbolism of the kitchen and the other room, which the president used to depict the roles of his wife. This may mean that accommodation goes a long way in depicting gender roles and sex roles in our society. I don’t want to dwell on this. But this is a pointer that good accommodation is required in every home, yet, so many Nigerians have not been able to access this.

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My point is, a home can also be depicted by the nature of the accommodation or the type of apartment the family lives. So get yourself the best apartments in Nigeria, for rent or for sale today, by visiting www.tolet.com.ng.




  1. Great narrative and a nice landing. I believe the President has the luxury of a comfy home containing the living room, kitchen n oda room. Other that don’t need to visit ur site. Great stuff

  2. Nice Read, well there are a few lines i tend to not be in the same school of thought as you..

    “”At this point, I feel every Nigerian should support the president and his wife. We need to lift their hands, as Aaron and Hur lifted up the hands of Moses.””

    There is no way we can support our leader by lifting his hands if he doesn’t want his hands to be lifted. Aisha is his Wife and he deems it fit to say she belongs to the kitchen and the other room because of the understanding he has for the words he said. Social critics can’t see beyond the literal meaning of that statement. She can belong to anywhere but first belongs to her home. It’s her paramount role in her family and this is not like news, WE ARE AFRICANS FOR CHRIST SAKE, most of these folks condemning Buhari even behave or should i say Act worse (But because he is the President it is a BIG DEAL)

    Looking forward and not tending to lost dreams of those in government that don’t know anything other than stomach infrastructure and poverty neutralising…In Falz Voice “” It’s so clear, It’s blackboard and white chalk, It doesn’t take an Einstein to know that it’s plan work..won plan e ni”” Their political ambition is nowhere near the development of the economy, they are here to divide the national moi-moi. What is moving our nation forward at this trying time is our determination to move forward without the intervention of these so called political gurus without much knowledge of what democracy is.

    I love this Line “This may mean that accommodation goes a long way in depicting gender roles and sex roles in our society”…. But been trying to get the exact meaning the writer is trying to depict. i’d be glad if you can shed more light to that area..

    Love your write-ups Bae….supercool.

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