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House Hunting Advice For The Married

Now that you have successfully tied the knot, you and your spouse may find yourselves thinking about purchasing a home together.

Home buying alone can be a stressful process, now throw in two different opinions in the mix, it can be downright taxing. Maybe you’re dying for a nice house in Lagos Island but your spouse loves the mainland so much because it’s closer to work. These disagreements can create roadblocks on your journey to your perfect home.


However, you shouldn’t let these arguments with your spouse cause you both to miss out on your dream home.  Buying a home is one of the biggest investments you would ever make as partners and it can also help improve the quality of your relationship so it pays to have some foresight into the buying process before making the leap to a joint homeownership. Check out this advice to help you get on the same page as your sweetheart and keep your house hunt from turning into World War III or the Apocalypse;

Advice 1- Make Separate Lists

These lists should carry the different expectations you both have for the new house. The best shot at a compromise is to find out the desires you both have in common.

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Craft your own list, and have your spouse do the same, then compare the lists and identify a handful of home features (location, the number of rooms, a maid room, a big backyard) that are important to both of you. These agreed-upon features will serve as the foundation of your home-buying discussions. When you and your spouse start the home search on a common ground, you are more likely to compromise on other home features down the road.

Advice 2- The Emotionless Budget

Factoring finances into the house hunting process is a very tricky issue as couples most often disagree on things like; how much money they should spend on a home, do we take a mortgage? Or do we stick to our budget?

Do your best to take emotions out of the equation and look at the facts.  Don’t get caught up imagining holidays and family gatherings in a huge, extravagant kitchen or house. By removing your emotions from the decision, you’ll be able to choose a home you and your spouse will enjoy years from now.

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Advice 3- Don’t Spend More Than You Can Afford

Financial woes are one of the main causes of divorce and strife. What good is owning a wonderful home if you have no money for good times overall comforts? Stay within your budget. Even if you outgrow your home, you can always sell it or rent it out when you upgrade it’s features.

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Advice 4- Be Willing to Postpone the House Hunt

If you and your spouse are at odds over the house hunting process, don’t be afraid to take a step back from the conversation. There will always be new homes for sale, but fighting or arguing over the home buying process will only create a greater divide between you and your significant other.

Advice 5- Don’t Be Afraid To Compromise

Compromising is key when trying to find a middle ground on something that would fit both your needs. Try to prioritize these first; necessities, budget, location and partnership

If you and your spouse can’t agree on a home, take a break, make a pact that you would hold off on some issues for a while, then come back to the discussion with a fresh perspective and outlook.

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Advice 6- Let Your Realtor Be Your Mediator

A quality real estate agent can listen to your housing disputes and help bridge the gap between you and your spouse. With their intimate knowledge of the market, an experienced agent can provide sound and unbiased advice

Advice 7- Calculate Changes
Sometimes, the features that a home lacks or that needs changing might be very expensive. Floors, closets, countertops, or sinks can all be replaced, redesigned or upgraded for a cost that might be less painful than an argument, hence you both need to calculate the changes the house you are buying might need and if the cost is unfavorable, you can always walk away.

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All in all, most couples find that purchasing a home jointly brings them closer together, and we definitely hope your experience works out that way. Follow these tips, advice, get to spend quality time with your partner, and you stand a great chance of turning your house hunting into a “home, sweet home”

Let us help you achieve this. Visit with your significant other NOW!!!









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