
A Simple Guide for Packing Efficiently for a Move.

Are you finding it difficult packing efficiently for a move? If you ask someone which parts of moving they’re most concerned about, packing is probably pretty high on the list. This makes sense because sorting through everything you own is no easy task! Packing efficiently to move can be tedious, but it doesn’t have to be anymore. 

There are some simple ways which could make packing a pleasant experience. You just need to make a plan, follow some best practices, and take it one step at a time. And while it can be tempting to rush the process, think of how great it’s going to feel when you unpack, and everything is organised, undamaged, and ready to put away. 

Create a Plan

One of the best ways to tackle packing is to divide it into manageable tasks. Start with items you use in monthly intervals then store them away. Once those areas are taken care of, work through the rest of the house. Go room by room and continue to go in order of least-used to most-used, saving anything you’ll need up to moving day for last.

Wondering how long it will take? It depends on your goals. Do you want to start early so you don’t have to work every day or would you prefer to get it done as fast as possible? Once you’ve determined how you want to approach it, it’s easy to make a plan and hence pack efficiently. 

See also  15+ Tips to Make Packing Super Simple
Efficient Packing
Packing up for a move.

Try Packing Room by Room

Once you have a plan and a timeline in mind, you know how fast, or slow, to deal with each room. 

For the Living Room, start by organising things by where they should be stored in the new home, and label the boxes with the appropriate room. Once it’s all in order, the trick is to pack so everything stays safe. Always take extra time with more fragile items like mirrors, artefacts, etc. 

The Kitchen is full of small (most times sharp) objects, expensive appliances, and fragile dish-ware, so you’ll want to take extra precautions when boxing up this room. Pack heavy items like canned goods in small boxes to keep the weight down, and take the opportunity to get rid of containers, missing lids, old dishcloths, and other unwanted things. You can also consider remodelling your kitchen, read here

Because Bedrooms hold many personal items and daily necessities, it’s smart to save them for last. This way you’re still able to get a good night’s sleep at the end of a long day. 

Some of the biggest issues you’ll find when packing a Bathroom are preventing spills and keeping small items like cotton swabs and medicine contained. And because this room is often full of moisture, make sure everything is clean and dry before packing it. The last thing you want to find when unpacking is mold!

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1st Day Essentials
1st Day Essentials

Miscellaneous items found throughout the rest of the house may create some packing questions. How do you handle large, heavy stuff? What if there’s water involved? What if it’s stored outside? For the most part, the packing tips above can help you navigate these items, but if you need more tips for packing efficiently , you can read more here

Another key point in packing up and moving to a new apartment is downsizing.

If you’re moving to a smaller space, it is compulsory; but if you’re moving to a bigger space, you can ignore this but no one wants clutter in their new space.

Here are some downsizing tips.

Have items you no longer want or need? Now is a good time to get rid of them! It will keep you from spending time packing unnecessary things and will make it easier to get settled in at the new house. 

  1. Get rid of unusable and unwanted items
  2. Minimize multiples
  3. Use a decluttering method for anything you’re unsure about – put everything into five piles — keep, donate, sell, recycle, and trash

Share your favourite packing tips!

What’s your method for getting rid of stuff before a move? Do you have a tip for packing up stuff? Leave us a comment below to share your experience with us!


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