
Make Money From The ToLet Affiliate Program

Large bills to pay? Family tension to meet up with? Low income? Do you own a blog or a website or a good social media presence? Good. Then you make money with so much ease.

Still trying to figure this? Take a deep breath.  Introducing, the affiliate program for bloggers and website owners, who get traffic on their websites. It is a platform to for them to make extra cash through their blogs and website.


Make money from your website by displaying property banners of your choice while also helping us deliver our promise on providing a home for everyone. High affiliate commissions are guaranteed which can also increase depending on the initial affiliate success. Getting started is easy. Sign up, get banners and start advertising on your website.

How it Works

The ToLet affiliate programme is an easy three step means to make money. It promises the highest rewards for affiliates in Nigeria

Create an Affiliate Account

Go to, click on sign up and add the necessary information in the chosen fields.  After this, you can sign into your account at any time.

Select a Category

Once you login to your affiliate account, select the category which suits you, i.e. either property for rent or property for sale. Select banner and then the area in which you want the banners to be displayed from our list of areas and also select the dimension of the banner you want (we have carefully named the banner with the dimension size). Copy the code generated and paste it on the part of your website or blog in which you want it to be displayed.

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Get Rewarded after every closed deal

In the Affiliate program, you receive your commission once a client completes a purchase or rent a property through your affiliate link, your commission gets approved when rent or sale request has been confirmed.

All affiliate which reaches payment threshold is paid on the first week of the following month.

Payment is made through bank transfer.

Detailed Commission Structure

Property for sale

4% on all property for sale

Property for rent

3.5% on all properties for rent

You need not worry if you are not a blogger, but you have an active social media presence, you can generate revenue by sharing properties on your social media platforms using our deep-link feature. To use the deep-link feature, copy the property you want to generate. Login to your affiliate program, under campaigns and click on the deep-link, paste the property which you copied into the deep-link input field and click show me my affiliate link. Copy the link generated and paste it on your social media platforms where you want to promote it.

Still waiting, subscribe to the affiliate programme today and make more money.


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