Bedroom Colours and their Effects on People

People use different colours for their bedrooms, but some are more suitable than others. Research has shown that colours have different effects on people’s psychology and how they respond to their environment. They are known to affect moods, feelings, memor, and emotions. Also, certain colours have been associated with increased blood pressure and metabolism. Colours influence our minds and bodies in ways we as individuals might not even know.

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These are some colour options for different bedrooms. It is also important to note the effect of these colours on sleep.

People with blue bedrooms get more sleep than any other colour. Blue is associated with peace, calmness, and it can lower your heart rate. Many people with rooms painted blue report waking up feeling well rested and happy. The next colour after blue that stimulates relaxation is yellow, followed by green. They report waking up with positive vibes.

Those who sleep in room painted purple are reported to be the least rested of all. This is because purple is mentally stimulating, so even when you want to sleep, the brain is tricked into work mode, leading to restlessness and nightmares. People with cream or white colour scheme tend to work in bed. So instead of going to the study, they would rather work in bed.

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Bedroom Colours for Couples

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Light brown is a great colour for couples who want to spice up their sex life. A report says that couples who painted their bedroom light brown or caramel colour have sex at least thrice every week. That’s a record many couples can’t boast of.

Contrary to popular belief about red being the colour of passion, red bedrooms are actually not good for romance. Residents reported having sex just once a week.

Colours for Guest Room

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The colour blend in a guest room should be suitable for both genders, that is, a colour that is gender-neutral and calming. Imagine a vibrant, lively colour, such as turquoise mixed with white, to create a really cool space. Bold wallpaper with patterns of beaches, nature, popular locations in the world remind guests of those places and provide a sense of escape or vacation. They will feel close to the sea with its calming effect.

A stunning black-and-white scheme, for instance, gives a contemporary feel to the room, mirrors make a small room appear large, side tables and picture frames also add beauty. These seemingly little things will further help give the room a receptive outlook.

Colours for Kids

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These are the colours most suitable for kids:

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Orange is one of the most underused colours. It is warm, friendly and great for children since it’s said to encourage them to be confident and independent.


Yellow evokes feelings of happiness and cheerfulness. Softer yellows are said to aid concentration, while brighter ones can increase memory.



Blue has a soothing effect by decreasing feelings of anxiety. Children who experience have behavioural problems are recommended to spend more time in rooms painted blue.


Pink has a calming feel, regardless of the child’s gender.


Red is known as a lively colour, energizing kids by increasing heart and breathing rates. However, too much exposure to red may lead to aggressive behaviour.



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