The Secrets of a Good Location in Home Selection

It is popularly expressed that “the home is where the heart is”. However, the question this saying fails to answer is; What if your heart doesn’t just have a clue where it should be? Before you start searching for your dream house, you have to first think hard about your dream neighbourhood or dream house location. Ordinarily, there are many variables to consider when selecting the perfect location or area for you and your family to live.


To help you make this important decision, I have put together some of the most important factors to consider when searching for and selecting the location that best suits the needs of you and your family:

1. Lifestyle Match

If you’re single, living in the bustling part of Lagos city might be an ideal choice for you. On the other hand, if you have a family, a more quiet part of the city might just do. If u have kids, you may also want to consider the proximity of your desired location to their schools or the prospects of finding good schools in the area.

2. Affordability

Living comfortably and within your means should be your utmost concern no matter what your pay grade is. The price of houses in that desired area should be a thing you should be able to pay for without breaking a sweat.

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3. Crime Rates

It is imperative that you learn about the safety of your desired neighbourhood or location. If you have already decided on where you want to live, you should be on the lookout for the nearest police stations or neighbourhood watch (vigilantes) in the area.


Keep in mind that just because an area is safe today does not guarantee that it would be safe in the future. The long-term stability of a neighbourhood should be a determining factor on how safe your proposed surroundings are. Also, consider the possibility of future developments in a particular location as you narrow down your choices.

4. Proximity to Family and Friends

Do you love spending time with your family and friends? Is it a tradition to spend time with them every Sunday or every other day of the week? If yes, then the proximity to them is a very important factor to consider when choosing the area you would love to live in.

If your family and friends are important to you, choose a place within reasonable driving distance. Otherwise, you may constantly feel torn and most likely spend all of your time and energy shuttling back and forth just to visit friends and family.


5. Proximity to your workplace

Another factor to consider when choosing where to live is: How close is my proposed location to my workplace? Would I have to spend more and exert so much energy getting to work because I want to live here? High transportation can cut deep into your salary. You need to make a proper analysis of transportation costs to and back from your workplace based on your proposed home location. Your commute time should also be a factor. How long would it take you to get back from work or get to work? The length of time it takes to get to work can be a determining factor in the decision to live in a certain location. If you have a family, commuting long distances can really reduce the amount of time you spend at home.  Also, pay close attention to the rate of traffic in the area.

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Above all,  A good and cheap transportation system is a major plus when choosing a place to live.

6. Healthcare Facilities

Healthcare facilities are important at any stage in life. They are especially relevant if you have children or if you are nearing retirement age. Easy access to good healthcare is essential so be on the lookout for a location with good hospitals and pharmacies.


7. Access to food

Food is essential when choosing where to live. Be on the look-out for the nearest markets or stores. You do not want to have to drive a long time just to get to food or groceries, do you?

8. Hangout spots

Hangout spots are a priority for anyone who is young and single. However, they are not limited to just single people. Fun is for everyone. Are there bars? Pepper soup joints? Does it have a nightlife? This could be the one thing that makes your neighbourhood come alive. Choose a location that has one or two hang out spots that you can frequent when you want to unwind and relax with your family and friends.

ALSO READ: Top 7 hangout spots in Lagos Mainland

9. House of worship

Do you need to be close to a church, synagogue or mosque to feel at home in your new neighbourhood? Then you may want to be on the lookout for such before committing to living in the area.

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10. Social amenities

What basic social amenities are available in your proposed location. Consider the rate of power supply in the area. How good are the road networks? What about network coverage

When choosing a location to live, it encompasses an incredibly large number of factors, all needing your attention. In order to be successful in your search, you must determine what is most important to you and to your family. Do your research until you find the right place to live. It can be a real time and energy consumer, but all that effort is worth it in the end once you are settled in your ideal location.




Where are you living now and how did you decide to settle there? What are the factors that are most important to you? I would love to hear from you  in the comments section below:


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