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Small Modern Living Room Design Ideas

Where else can you host your guest better? If not your living room, but the appearance is really affecting your confidence and began to frustrate you. A living room is the main living space in a house, where guests and family gather to watch TV and entertain themselves. A living room serves different functions such as a formal sitting area to a casual living space and is an essential part of the house that depicts the personalities of people staying in the house.


Modern living room design can be a bit challenging if you are designing it yourself. Small living room ideas help to maximise the available space, hence, making a small living space feel bigger in size. Comfortability should always be the top priority, factors such as colours, choice of furniture and accessories should be carefully considered.

Check out small modern living room design ideas below;


Luxurious Furniture

small room furniture

A small living room with luxurious furniture will appear bigger and modern. The room space should be considered before buying living room furniture to avoid clutter. When selecting your furniture types, decide your decorative styles and ensure furniture complements the wall colours. Neutral colour furniture gives the room a bright, inviting feel. When buying your living room furniture quality should be prioritised over quantity. Ensure your buy furniture that will last longer and can be easily cleaned.

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Fancy Curtains

fancy curtain

Curtains should be long enough to serve their purpose, white curtains can be avoided if living room houses kids. Although, white curtains add a natural feeling to your room by allowing easy passage of natural light and pleasant ventilation. This is because the level of smell in your living room will be determined by natural lighting and air flow and in no condition (harmattan) should you make use of thick materials as living room curtains.


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Colour Coordination

living room colour

A modern living room will not only house your family member, consider using a general and inviting colour. Colours have a great impact on human moods and that is why deciding the colour of your living room can be a big worry, being the most important and commonly used room in the house. Light colours are advisable for smaller living rooms as it makes the room appear larger and lively. Basically, the colour of your furniture should coordinate the wall colour as well as the living room accessories. You can also match the colour of your living room to the sofa, artworks, curtains or even chandeliers.

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Adequate Lighting

room light

Adequate lighting plays a major role in the living room appearance and functions. The main source of lighting is sunlight and special task lights can also be a good addition. An effective living room lighting helps to carry out tasks while performing its main function of illuminating the whole room space. Modern lighting should basically serve two purposes. The main purpose is for everyday living while the second purpose is for entertainment. A chandelier can be considered as a major source of lighting as it helps give the room a glamorous appearance. However, the size of the room ceiling should be measured before fixing a chandelier.

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Sophisticated Technology

living room items

The appearance of your living room items says a lot about your personality and status. Especially the TV and sound systems tell if the house owners are the lively type or boring type. A LED TV with that is not too big or too small should be sought for in place of a widescreen TV, because of it’s picture quality and most LED TV are often internet enabled. However, a bad sound system will affect your enjoyment and concentration level when making use of your TV, while a correctly installed sound speaker system will enhance the views on your TV set.

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Timely Organization

remote storage

Keep the living room tidy and lively by providing a moderately sized wastebasket that should be disposed on regular basis. Avoid keeping trash bags indoor for a long period of time, it can lead to bad odour and sickness. Living rooms can’t be completely wireless, keep cables behind the TV and sound systems. Arrange remote controls in a remote storage box and removable decors should be arranged on daily basis to avoid clutter. Designate a separate space inside the living room for board games and movie collections as well.



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