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How To Design Your Bathroom on a Budget

Where is your favourite part of the house to read a book? Some might say on a comfortable chair in the living room, others on their bed, but if you ask a renowned bibliophile like me, I’ll definitely say the bathroom. Wierd right? There is just something about reading a good book in my bathroom, that happens to be clean by the way, it just feels good. The bathroom for me gives the right atmosphere to imagine all the characters and play the story in my head.

You might think my bathroom is mansion like, no it is not. I don’t even have the money to design a luxury bathroom. Far from it, it is just designed to suit me just fine and since I love to read there, I have continually added things to make it comfortable for me while it still fulfils its primary purpose. Even if I have turned my bathroom into a mini library, the bathroom is a room in the home majorly used for personal hygiene activities. A lot of people have said the bathroom is where they do a lot of deep thinking or get creative ideas.  Designing it in a modern will only make you enjoy your time there.


You are probably thinking of redesigning your bathroom, but you don’t have a fat budget. Here’s the good news: You don’t need megabucks to transform your bathroom into a relaxing, cool space. There are plenty of ways to renovate and redesign on a budget. But before you start considering it, determine how much you can afford on a remodel and determine the extent of changes you can make. With that sorted, put on your creative hat and let’s check out ways you can save money on your bathroom redesign or remodel.

1. Less Tiles

Tiles are expensive, the last time I checked how much they cost I literally screamed, and only if you know how to fit tiles, then add the cost of getting a contractor. You are calculating the total figure in your head, right? To spare cash, restrain the measure of tile and concentrate on high-affect territories like the floor (rather than the floor and inside the shower stall walls). On the other hand, you could tile one even strip along the divider and paint the rest.

On the off chance that you have your heart set on the tile that is aesthetic and costly, utilize it as an emphasize nearby a less expensive tile. Not exclusively will the creative tiles be more detectable, yet you’ll spare a huge amount of cash by just utilizing a couple of all over.

2. Think bright

You know those bright colours you’ve imagined in your head to paint your living room but too scared to try it, your bathroom awaits it. The bathroom is one of the best places to make your wildest design and decor wishes come true. Because of its minimal square footage, a bathroom can handle colours and textures that would overwhelm larger spaces. You can even paint the fifth wall gold or any bright colour. Take your bathroom’s ceiling from white to wow by continuing the wall colour onto this often-overlooked fifth wall

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3. Make your shower grand

No, we are not telling you to spend a fortune on your shower place but instead, upgrade your shower curtains. The shower curtain is the centre of attention in your bathroom, so make it count when you are designing your bathroom. Start by replacing the straight-as-an-arrow bar that holds the shower curtain for a chrome, brushed nickel or oiled copper convex shower curtain rod. You can even make your shower curtain into two by giving it a grander look.


4. Bigger mirror

Go big with the mirror in your bathroom’s vanity. You can even give it a custom look or even make it into smaller mirrors into elegant toiletry trays by backing them with felt.

5. Double duty

It’s a smart thought to see two when you adorn your bathroom, particularly in case you’re doing it for as little as possible. Each capacity thing you select should, if at all conceivable, perform twofold obligation by likewise being decorative.

6. Roll it up

Rolled up hand towels and washcloths are great decorative features for the bathroom and it literally costs you nothing, you only need to learn how to roll it up. Washcloths and hand towels can be rolled and collected in a decorative stone planter or another unexpected receptacle that doesn’t come with a hefty price tag.

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7. Less is more

One major thing about my make-shift library is the fact that it is free from clutter, just like the bathroom in beautiful hotels and spas. You should store toiletries out of sight and stick to a monochromatic scheme. Editing the space and limiting the colours will be soothing. Plus, the total effect can make a room seem larger, which can be especially pleasing when it comes to small bathrooms.Also, make your bathroom smell good by using your favourite essential oil. Turn your bathroom space into an oasis to give you room to breathe.



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