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Is Bamboo Flooring Right For Your Home?

Growing up in Nigeria, all I knew about bamboo, was that it was a tree (thanks to my Agric teacher) and it was layered at the sides of buildings during construction, I never knew it was called scaffolding then. But over the years the uses of bamboo has grown more than that as it has become one of the frontrunners in flooring options. The popular building material is a triple threat as a flooring option as it’s strong, stylish and one of the most sustainable floor surfaces available. The best part is that it is affordable when compared to other hardwood floors. Bamboo is a natural surface covering material, but is it the right fit for your home? Let’s find out.



Benefits of bamboo flooring

Bamboo flooring


If you are planning to make your home eco-friendly, you should consider bamboo flooring. Bamboo is made from natural vegetation, as it is a tall, hollow tree-like grass. Bamboo is one of the fastest growing trees as it takes as little as 3-5 years to mature. This is much faster than hardwood trees that can take as long as 20 years to mature.


Durability is not an issue if you are thinking about bamboo floors. Bamboo flooring is known to be as durable as their hardwood counterparts.

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Bamboo flooring is more affordable than their hardwood counterparts. But be careful not to buy lower quality castoffs as you can also get them on a bargain.


Water resistant

Water resistance is still a concern when we talk about bamboo flooring, but it is slightly more resistant to water than its hardwood counterparts.

Easy maintenance

Bamboo flooring is one of the easiest flooring types to maintain. It doesn’t take a lot to clean and keep it clean.


Style is not a problem when it comes to bamboo, as it is a stylish option. It is currently in trend and can elevate the elegance of a space. Bamboo flooring has the appearance and feels similar to hardwood flooring yet still distinct and different.


Bamboo flooring can be refinished when it starts getting discoloured, scratched or marred, making it look brand new again.

Drawbacks of bamboo flooring


With Nigeria being a very humid country, bamboo flooring might not thrive in most part. The moisture in the air can cause the planks to plump. If it is a dry area, the planks can shrink causing cracks in the bamboo.


Natural un-carbonized and strand woven bamboo tend to be hard and durable but bamboo planks darker in colour tend to be generally soft. This can be a problem as the carbonization process used to colour the wood also weakens it structurally.

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Water damage

Despite bamboo more resistance to water damage as compared to its hardwood counterparts, water damage is still a concern. Due to its natural nature, excessive moisture can cause it to warp or allows the growth of mould. Worse a flood can destroy bamboo flooring.

Lack of a grading system

Most times, retailers sort bamboo into grade A or B materials showing no independent system for its grading system. This makes it hard to find quality reputable bamboo. Be sure to find a flooring dealer that sells top quality materials so you’ll be certain of what you are getting.

Environmentally ambiguous

There have been a number of environmental concerns regarding bamboo as a flooring material. The adhesive used in its construction can contribute to the toxicity of an interior space. There are also some concerns that forests are being cut down and replaced with bamboo fields for commercial purposes.




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